Progear boot / bootleg / conversion
Various pictures of the Bootleg / Conversion PCB. The PCB would have started out life as some other CPS2 game, hard to tell which, before it was converted it in to Progear with a new set of EPROMs. Due to Progear being one of the best (and also most expensive) CPS2 titles a fair number of titles have ended up this way.
Once opened it's obvious that the game didn't leave Capcom in this state. Other tell tell signs that it is a conversion are the laser printed Progear label and the fact that blue cased (US region
) Progears are rare as fuck.
Various PCB images

An original CPS2 board below, easily distinguishable.
If you're interested in making your own Progear conversion you will need the following things.
Donor CPS2 board. Any game with an F or G PAL
Soldering Iron/solder Etc
30cm of thin wire (not required for PAL G games)
1 x 27c010 EPROM
2 x 27c4096 EPROMs
6 x M27C322 EPROMs
EPROM Eraser
EPROM burner. Needs to compatable with the above, natch.
The 27C010 and 27C4096 can be erased and recycled. The M27C322 can to be purchased from ebay.
I have taken the time to convert the SIMM data from the MAME ROM set to bin format ready for burning. They can be downloaded from here
Burn the files with the EPROM burner.
1 X 27c010 for 1.bin This is the Q-Sound data
2 x 27c4096 for 3.bin & 4.bin. These are the Program ROMs
6 x 27c322 for 11.bin - 19.bin These are the sound and gfx ROMs.
Once burned insert in to the B board and check the jumpers are soldered in this order.
The Jumpers are located above 1, to the left of 12 and underneath 16 and 20.If the donor board used a PAL G you're good to go, if it was a PAL F bend leg 7 so that it does not make contact with the socket then solder a wire between this pin and C13, location C1 on the board. That's pretty much it.
For those interested, the case sticker can be found
The edited ROM set for HSF2AE can be found
here for more bootleg fun. PAL/Jumper settings are the same as Progear but you'll need a few more EPROMs.
2 x 27c010 EPROMs
8 x 27c4096 EPROMs
10 x M27C322 EPROMs
Note. If the donor board was working then you should remove the battery and short out the capacitor CC1. This removes any charge left on the board and will clear the original encryption keys from SRAM.
Finally, the ROM files for SSF2X have been modified by idc so that they can be programmed on to a regular CPS2 board without the need for the daughter board. Same PAL/Jumper settings apply. The files can be found